Full Form of Computer | Its Generations | Parts and Types

full form of computer

Full-Form of the computer is very simple but it has very deep meaning. In this article, we will study its hardware and software parts. How these parts impact the functioning and role of generations of computer. Moreover, there are different technologies of computer that we are using but know what actually they mean. So, in this we will discuss all these factors relating to full form of computer.

What is Computer?

full form of computer

Before knowing full form of computer, you must know its meaning. So, computer is an electronic device controlling, storing and providing data whenever the user needs. The term computer is derivation from the technical word “compute”, it is not an acronym specifically. So, the term compute means to calculate.

Therefore, the term has the relevance from its invention days. When the only purpose of computer was to calculate huge arithmetical problems but now it has many more features. It is mainly in use to build documents, presentations, send emails, playing games and do surfing on the web browsers. This electronic device provides wide scope to its user to generate, develop and share the useful information.

What is the full form of COMPUTER?

The full form of computer, the widely used technical machine is very simple as follows:

C – Commonly

O – Operating

M – Machine

P – Particularly

U – Used for

T – Trade

E – Education and

R – Research

Therefore, the full form of computer shows that computer is an electronic device processing all the data using its different parts mentioned under hardware and software.

What is Computer and Its Different Parts?

What is Computer and Its Different Parts?

Now, you know full form of computer and its meaning. But do you know what its different parts are? People generally know hardware parts showing outside but its software has more significance to operate. So, there are mainly two parts of computer i.e. Hardware and Software.

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What is Software?

People generally think computers from its hardware but this hardware is only get operational with the use of software. As we have read in full form of computer that it operates. So, the operation is generated by the software only.

What is Software?

It is the set of instructions and programs written in different high level and low level languages on computer processors.

What is Hardware in Computer?

The Physical structure and equipment’s of the computer is known as hardware devices of the computer. In simple words, hardware is all devices of the computer that can be seen, touched and carry. For example, Monitor, Keyword, Memory devices, mouse and CPU.

What are the Generations of Computer?

full form of computer

The evolution of full form of computer has started around 1940 with the invention of first-generation computers. The timely development in the technology has been seen so far. So, now there are five generations of computer as follows:

First Generation

  • The period of the first generation computer was of 1946- 1959.
  • The inventors of the generation were J.P. Eckert and J.W. Maunchy. These two inventors were successful in developing first-generation computer named as ENIAC.

Advantages of first generation computer

  • It was made up of Vacuum tubes, the only electronic component available in that time.
  • The computer gives calculation result in milliseconds.

Disadvantages of First generation computer

  • The size, weight, and cost of the computer were very huge.
  • Only little information can be stored in the computer.
  • The first generation computers were so bulky and require large cooling systems.
  • It requires large energy consumption.

Second generation computer

The period of second-generation computer was between 1959- 1965.

This generation used Transistors as the electronic component instead of Vacuum tubes.

Advantages of second-generation computers

  • The size of second-generation computers was comparatively less than the generation with the use of transistors.
  • Requires less energy consumption as compared to first one.
  • Better speed and low cost for maintenance. It is important for its operations as mentioned in full form of computer.

Disadvantages of second generation computers

  • Though, it produces less heat than the first generation. But, it still requires good cooling system.
  • It provides functionality for limited uses only.

Third Generation

The inventors of this generation were Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.

They invented third generation in period of 1965- 1971.

This generation used the technology of integrated circuits as electronic component. IC is mainly the combination of various transistors.

Advantages of third generation computers

  • The cost of this generation was very low in functions of reliability and fast speed.
  • With the use of Integrated circuits, the size of the computer became very small.
  • For input, it uses keyboards and mouse instead of punch cards.
  • It also used the concept of multiprogramming and time-sharing.

Disadvantages of third generation computers

  • The integrated circuit has many advantages but it is difficult to maintain.
  • It came out as highly sophisticated technology, so as the need of manufacturing IC chips.
  • It needs Air conditioning for cooling impact to justify the full form of computer.

Fourth generation computers

The operation time of the fourth generation computer was 1971- 1980.

It uses the technology of Microprocessor as electronic component.

Microprocessor helps in all logical and arithmetic operations.

This technology used great Graphical user interface to give better comfort and experience to the user.

Advantages of Fourth generation computers

  • Fastest speed generation in comparison with all previous generations.
  • It generates very negligible heat.
  • Size and maintenance cost was very small.
  • Now, this computer generation has started the use of high level languages.

Disadvantages of fourth generation computers

  • The designing and fabrication of microprocessor technology was very complex.
  • It also requires air conditioning to operate normally.
  • Therefore, it still requires some advanced technology.

Fifth generation computers

Full form of computer

The period of this computer generation is in operation since 1980.

The inventors designed this generation based on artificial generation and Ultra large scale integration (ULSI).

The purpose of this advanced generation was to make computer understand the normal language.

Advantages of fifth generation computers

  • It works very fast with higher reliability.
  • The fifth-generation computers are available in different sizes and features.
  • The user experience is great with friendly interface and features of multimedia.

Disadvantages of fifth generation computers

  • Beside very good user experience and advancement, this generation needs low level languages.
  • This generation has a tendency to make human brain dull and doomed.

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Types of Computer on the Basis of Different Technologies

Computer has generally been classified on the basis of its power and size. So, the major technologies of the computer are as follows:

Micro Computer

Micro Computer refers to the little device performing computer functions like calculator, mobile device etc.

Mini Computer

It is a multi-user computer that allows a huge number of users (in hundreds) to function it simultaneously.

Mainframe Computer

It is more powerful system allowing thousands of users to work simultaneously.

Analog Computer

Analog Computer processes and calculates the analog data that is mainly in form of quantities.

Digital Computer

Digital Computer process the information in digits mainly using binary number system.

Hybrid Computer

Hybrid Computer has the combined features of analog and digital computers.

Super Computer


The extreme level of computer technology that has widen the scope of even full form of computer.

General FAQs

What is full form of Laptop?

Now, you know the full form of computer but the commonly used technology is laptop these days. So, you also must know the full of laptop is Lightweight Analytical Platform.

What is full form of VIRUS?

The full form of Virus is Vital Information Resources Under Siege.

What is the full form of Internet?

The full form of internet is also very simple as full form of computer i.e. Interconnected Network.

What are the examples of hardware and software?

The examples of hardware are keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer etc. Whereas, the examples of software are applications like office suite, web processors and browsers, image editors etc.