3 Ways To How to Hide Clock in Windows 11

To hide the clock in Windows 11, we would need to use Win11ClockToggler. It is simple to use, but the only catch is it also hides the system tray and the notification at the same time. This also works for Windows 10 and 8/8.1
Method 1: Hiding Clock Using Win11ClockToggler
In the latest version of Win11ClockToggler, you can hide the system tray and the notification. At the same time, two ZIP files will be available once you download and unzip the folder on your device:
1. Win11ClockTogglerGUI.exe.zip: It’s the GUI version, suitable for most users.
2. Win11ClockTogglerCLI.zip: a command-line interface version.
A. Hiding Clock Using GUI Version
- Download the Win11ClockTogglerGUI

2. Double-click on the Win11ClockTogglerGUI.exe file. Following window appears:

3. You can show or hide switching on and off the slider:

4. The first slider always will be activated as it’s the main purpose of the app. The next switch will only be enabled if there are secondary toolbars available on secondary screens.
Note: When you activate the sliders, the elements of that particular slider will be hidden. To revert to the setting where you can view the date/time, you can click exit.
5. The app will not be seen in the taskbar, so it won’t be visible while recording your screen unless you change tasks.
B. Hiding Clock Using CLI Version
- Download the Win11ClockTogglerCLI

2. Extract the zip files once your download is complete.

3. Once extraction is completed, you’ll be able to see two files, “Win11ClockToggler.exe” and “Win11ClockToggler.exe.Config“.
4. Now, you have to run Win11ClockToggler.exe by double-clicking it.
5. For easy access, right-click on the file and click on “pin to start.“

6. You could enable the program at windows 11 startup so that it could hide the clock directly on start up.

Note: This CLI is a more simple interface that allows the user to use it from the command line. Run it once, and the entire notification area will disappear. Rerun it to restore everything to its normal state.
Method 2: How to Hide Clock Through Taskbar Settings in Windows 11
In Windows 11, hiding the date/time has been a problem for every creator who has to record the screen. If you have found difficulties downloading Win11ClockToggler, another method to solve this problem is by hiding the taskbar.
This method is much easier to execute but doesn’t practically hide the date and time. All it does is hide the taskbar, which can be recovered by just hovering the mouse over the taskbar. The steps for the following are:
- You’ll have to open the taskbar settings, which can be done by right-clicking on the taskbar and then selecting the pop-up that appears. It can also be done by going to the system setting and proceeding to Personalization > Taskbar.

2. Within the Taskbar settings, you’ll see an option as “Taskbar Behaviors.“

3. Once you click the Taskbar Behavior, a drop-down menu appears in which exists an “Automatically hide the taskbar” select the box on the left of the text and make sure it is checked, as shown below.

4. Once you check the box, you’ll notice that the taskbar disappears. But you will see a small line at the bottom of the screen. To bring back the taskbar, hover over that small line.

5. Close the Settings window. When you place your pointer away from the taskbar, the taskbar will hide again automatically.
To pin the taskbar back again, all you have to do is:
- Open Settings
- Follow Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar Behaviors
- Uncheck the box on the left of “Automatically Hide the Taskbar.”
Method 3: How to Hide Clock Using Settings
If none of the above methods works for you, we got you another method in which no download is required. But this method does not remove the time and date box. But it only removes the notations. To do this, follow the steps below.
1. Right-click on the Start button and search for the Control panel.
2. Visit the control panel and choose “Change date, time, or number formats” underclock and region.

3. Click on “Additional Settings” at the bottom of the dialogue.

4. Click on the “Time” tab.
We can hide the time by changing the short time format to seconds by typing “s.” in the short time dialogue. As the second is not supported, it will hide the time.

5. Next, click on the Date tab. Then modify the Short date format date to “dddd.”

6. To go back to the default settings, all you have to do is visit the additional dialogue under the time setting, and on the bottom right of the dialogue, you’ll be to see a reset button by which the date and time appear again.

Which Method is Best to Hide Clock on Taskbar of Windows 11?
There are three main methods of hiding the clock on Windows 11 i.e. using the Win11ClockToggler program, taskbar auto-hide setting, and control panel. Among these, the Win11 Clock Togger program is the best. However, it doesn’t work in all systems. It only supports Windows 11/10/8/8.1 64-bit version. So, if you’re a 32bit version the Control panel methods would work best for you.
I hope by following the guidelines of this article, you will be able to hide the clock on the taskbar on your Windows 11 desktop or laptop.
1. Can I download Win11ClockToggler with a 34-bit Windows 11 system?
Currently, the application is available only for 64-bit Windows systems.
2. Does Win11Clocktoggler hide the clock at startup?
For that, you will have to enable the application in the Startup apps menu.
3. How can I display the time again after changing the time setting to seconds?
All you have to do is click on reset when the Additional dialogue appears once you click the time and date format.
4. Can I hide only the time on the older version of Win11Clocktoggler?
The notification and the setting tray disappear too. But you could download the latest version, which gives you the option of what you want to keep hidden or unhidden.
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